
Monday, February 28, 2011


Shark fin soup is considered to be ultimately delicious and healthy by those who swear by it. But then one look at the number of these splendid creatures tortured and killed merely for their fins and one would have a second thought of it. The number of sharks killed every year for merely their fins is increasing by the day. For the same now there has been an outrage from some people who are against the serving of shark fin soup in Three Leeds restaurants. These restaurants however on the other hand have decided to go against the wishes of these opposing groups and have rather defended the dish on their menu cards that read shark fin soup. This is after an international pressure group came down real harsh on them asking for people to boycott these eateries serving anything to do with sharks.

But then talking shark's fin soup one would do well to remember that supply only thrives on demand. The day there is no demand for particular things the supply will automatically cease. None the less, one would do well to know of the horrors as committed by fisherman in the east. They simply cut the fins of the sharks and throw them back into the waters. This is again in a wretched and fatally injured state unable to swim at that.

Stop Shark Finning is among the foremost groups that are coming against this hellish treatment as being given to the fish species, many of which are on the verge of becoming extinct. In the mean while the restaurant vouchers continue to be spent by people more and more on a daily basis even as an increasing number of them are walking to eat out more often than before. The fact that these restaurant vouchers are doing good is a sign of the recession slowly but surely subsiding. If restaurant vouchers woo the customers, bad publicity can do a lot of damage. However the restaurants defend themselves by saying that they get the shark fins from a legitimate source in Hong Kong.

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