
Monday, February 28, 2011


When Facebook is up to something everyone takes notice. To be more precise irrespective of whether Facebook is up to anything or not, there is always a lot of buzz created. The social networking giant has now announced that it has set in place its mobile Places Deals discounts and vouchers. These discount vouchers will be given on the latest versions of its Android and iPhone apps. This would again be for the United Kingdom.

Places Deals has mobile users being able to identify special offers and discounts which are again being offered near their location. This in turn joins location data with a mobile voucher system. Place Deals was launched back in November last year in the United States. So that makes it quite young ever since its official beginnings in the domain of the World Wide Web.
Then again when it comes to its United Kingdom launch partners, there are real big names like StarBucks. Starbucks in turn itself also launched its own mobile payments. The action simply seems to be heating up even as O2 is offering money off convert tickets, Debenhams, Alton Towers, Mazda and many others.

Juniper Research analyst, Howard Wilcox, spoke in this regards through his blog. Approving and admiring this advancement as being made, he spoke of how this will simply be a very bright and promising step forward as far as mobile vouchers are concerned.This is where many leading brands are looking at tapping customers from the gigantic FaceBook users list that crossed the five hundred million mark long time ago. Publishing on Places Deals and offering these vouchers will thus end up with the garnering of many customers for these brands.

Among the offerings for UK launch deals, the first 30,000 FaceBook users who will head for StarBucks coffee shop will thus get a cup of hot and delicious coffee for free. Then there is another one that goes; the first four people who will get an upgrade of their network contracts and head for an O2 shop will thus be in for a real surprise. They will be getting a free Xbox or Playstation. The online vouchers simply continue to flow and people are looking more and more to benefit from it.

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